It’s been nine months of uncharted navigation through a pandemic and social distancing cues. For many, the holidays are already a difficult time. Be vigilant in your efforts nourish the mind, body and soul while coping through a very strange socially-distanced holiday.
The key is to free your mind of 2020.
How to Cope With a Socially Distanced Holiday
First try to remember this is temporary. Then surrender, as…it is what it is. Instead of falling into a depressed and resistant state, take a different perspective. For example, accept the next week as a chance to quiet all of the external noise of the past year, and cleanse your psyche. To start, find something…anything…positive in what is asked of us as responsible adults, during a global pandemic. Wow, that’s a first…I can honestly say, I have never written that sentence before. Reshape the circumstances as a window to set new healthy rituals for mind, body and soul. As getting out of your own way is key to avoid frustration. Again…it is what it is. With this in mind, don’t allow resentments at the situation to snowball. Rather, accept this time as opportunity for a physical and psychological reset. As a reset is a must, if your goal is to free your mind of 2020. So to begin, converge on the situation with an “I get to…” state of mind. Here are some suggestions nourish the mind, body and soul through a socially-distanced holiday.SevenWays to Find The OM and Free Your Mind into 2021
Be In Nature
Grab your mask and get outside. It’s a good exercise to temporary occupy yourself physically to free your mind of 2020. Find a hiking trail, or simply go for a walk. As an alternative, if parks and beaches are closed in your area, then sit on your front porch or in your backyard. Get some fresh air and some vitamin D…it’s good for you and good for your soul.Dedicate Time to Something or Someone Other Than Yourself
Be with the animals. Give your furries a front and center seat for a day. An at-home doggie day is always fun. Teach them new tricks, have a spa day, take them for a drive. Adopt or foster an animal. If you don’t have a pet, now is your chance to adopt or foster an animal. There are so many animal shelters looking for fosters. Inquire and see how a four-legged bundle of joy can reshape your energy this holiday. Another thing to consider is that right now is a perfect time to adopt. Because, you have the time to be home with your new baby to acclimate. If fostering or adopting a cat or dog is a bit too much of a commitment, get a fish! We had fish named John and Redrum one year. They were beautiful Betas, and believe it or not, they brought the family a lot of joy. Seriously! The kids took turns at feeding. My husband and I became obsessed with their separate living quarters…and meticulously selected the perfect “reefs” to serve as obstacle courses and secret cubbies for them to enjoy. Redum actually would come to the surface and sort of leap for his food. It was fascinating, call us crazy, but the connection with our betas was real.Care for something living…
Virtually adopt or sponsor: A fish bowl or small aquarium still too much of a commitment? Well, then virtually adopt an animal and watch it thrive. You can virtually sponsor any kind of animal. Want an elephant? No problem. A black spotted panther, a three-toed sloth…done. One year I adopted a flying fox (a giant australian fruit bat) named Loki. I came across his picture because I was fascinated/terrified by bats at the time. I landed on a picture of a giant flying fox and FREAKED!The Key to Shift Energy Is to Give Energy
Get a plant! If virtual adoption is not for you, or you’re just not really an animal person (you need Jesus!…jk), get a plant. Talk to it. Nurture it. Give it a name, and watch it flourish. Seriously getting out of the self and caring for another living thing, feeds the soul. Which is what we all need right now.Create Something to Step out of Self
Update your space
It is never productive to sit in your discontent…boredom, irritability, restlessness. One way to shed these feelings is to get creative. Rearrange your furniture. Run out to the hardware store and get paint for that accent wall you’ve always wanted. Clear away the weeds in your yard. Get a new colorful area rug and throw pillows to change up the mood in your living room. Go to Trader Joes and buy a bundle of fresh cut flowers for $3.99 to brighten the space. A new twist or addition to your living space carries lots of mileage when trying to boost the psyche.Lose yourself in the kitchen
They say that cooking equates love, and it’s totally true. Cook a dish you’ve never made before. Bake something. Make a giant pot of soup. Roll your sleeves up and get elbow deep in your project. Use your hands, sense of smell and taste to create something delicious. Allow yourself a free pass this time on calories…just go for it.Create something cool
Go to your nearest arts and craft store and get some acrylic tubes of paint and some cheap canvases and paint! You don’t have to be an artist to experiment and create something great! Michael’s Arts and Crafts store always offers discounts. Go to Pinterest and pick a simple DIY project or a cool art project…you will be consumed by the project, and you may be surprised when you find yourself searching for your next project.Experiment with your photography skills
Play with the light. Use natural sunlight directly on your subject for amazing prints. Or place the light behind your subject for more artsy silhouette-type pieces. Get some inexpensive frames while you’re at the craft store and frame your prints for a one-of-a-kind series. Dang….and don’t forget to sign your prints like the fierce artist that you are.Hydrate Your Mind Body and Soul
Self care is a must to nourish the mind, body and soul through a socially-distanced holiday.
Therefore, an at-home beauty retreat for yourself and your family/roommate is a great way to find a little beauty bliss and free your mind of 2020. We all have tons of products laying around that just sit there. Rather than letting them sit and collect dust, use them up now. Dedicate a day to nothing but beautifying and nourishing the skin and the body. Set a goal to drink 64 oz of water by the end of day to flush out toxins. Apply a conditioning mask to your hair and face. Make a body scrub. Search the web for natural DIY formulas with ingredients that you already have in your kitchen. This brown sugar coconut oil scrub is one of my faves. Next, move on to detailed at-home mani pedis. Then some Netflix while you dry. Finish the afternoon with a bear nap but don’t forget some thick butter socks and heavy moisturizer on your feet to really set off your pedicure. All of the above…so good for you, your mind, body and your soul. And furthermore, when do we ever have time for this level of self love…never. Take advantage of it.Make a list and check it twice
Start a journal. Wait! Before you nix this idea, because you are not the “writing type” or feel like you don’t have anything to document. Try making a simple gratitude list. Still not buying in? How about a “Letting Go” list then?Write down three to five things a day that you want to release:
“Today I am letting go of foul language.”
“I am letting go of SUGAR today because it is the Devil.”
Your letting go list doesn’t have to be forever, just an exercise to examine “things.” For instance, I actually listed “foul language” on my list ONCE. As a result, I was absolutely stifled for the day. I literally had nothing to say! The point is, you can learn a lot about yourself with a letting go list. Try it. Your gratitude list can be simple or huge. To illustrate, one entry for me was as tiny as listing my appreciation for microwave popcorn. Often times it’s the little things that get us through our next 24 hours.