Nourish Mind, Body and Soul Through A Socially -Distanced Holiday to Free Your Mind of 2020

It’s been nine months of uncharted navigation through a pandemic and social distancing cues. For many, the holidays are already a difficult time. Be vigilant in your efforts nourish the mind, body and soul while coping through a very strange socially-distanced holiday.

The key is to free your mind of 2020. 

This has been a weird time,  our new normal…is not normal at all, and it totally sucks. I think we can all agree, it has been a long year.  As we approach the home stretch of 2020 we must maintain a solid state of mind. As humans, this is difficult as our innate sensibilities are drawn to being close to our friends and loved ones, especially over the holidays. Things like kissing under the mistletoe, holiday parties, new outfits, the warmth of giving and true human connection is what this time of year is all about.

How to Cope With a Socially Distanced Holiday

First try to remember this is temporary. Then surrender, as…it is what it is. Instead of falling into a depressed and resistant state, take a different perspective. For example, accept the next week as a chance to quiet all of the external noise of the past year, and cleanse your psyche. To start, find something…anything…positive in what is asked of us as responsible adults, during a global pandemic. Wow, that’s a first…I can honestly say, I have never written that sentence before. Reshape the circumstances as a window to set new healthy rituals for mind, body and soul. As getting out of your own way is key to avoid frustration. Again…it is what it is. With this in mind, don’t allow resentments at the situation to snowball. Rather, accept this time as opportunity for a physical and psychological reset. As a reset is a must, if your goal is to free your mind of 2020. So to begin, converge on the situation with an “I get to…” state of mind. Here are some suggestions nourish the mind, body and soul through a socially-distanced holiday.

SevenWays to Find The OM and Free Your Mind into 2021

Be In Nature

Grab your mask and get outside. It’s a good exercise to temporary occupy yourself physically to free your mind of 2020. Find a hiking trail, or simply go for a walk. As an alternative, if parks and beaches are closed in your area, then sit on your front porch or in your backyard. Get some fresh air and some vitamin D…it’s good for you and good for your soul.

Dedicate Time to Something or Someone Other Than Yourself

Be with the animals. Give your furries a front and center seat for a day. An at-home doggie day is always fun. Teach them new tricks, have a spa day, take them for a drive. Adopt or foster an animal. If you don’t have a pet, now is your chance to adopt or foster an animal. There are so many animal shelters looking for fosters. Inquire and see how a four-legged bundle of joy can reshape your energy this holiday. Another thing to consider is that right now is a perfect time to adopt. Because, you have the time to be home with your new baby to acclimate. If fostering or adopting a cat or dog is a bit too much of a commitment, get a fish! We had fish named John and Redrum one year. They were beautiful Betas, and believe it or not, they brought the family a lot of joy. Seriously! The kids took turns at feeding. My husband and I became obsessed with their separate living quarters…and meticulously selected the perfect “reefs” to serve as obstacle courses and secret cubbies for them to enjoy. Redum actually would come to the surface and sort of leap for his food. It was fascinating, call us crazy, but the connection with our betas was real.

Care for something living…

Virtually adopt or sponsor: A fish bowl or small aquarium still too much of a commitment? Well, then virtually adopt an animal and watch it thrive. You can virtually sponsor any kind of animal. Want an elephant? No problem. A black spotted panther, a three-toed sloth…done. One year I adopted a flying fox (a giant australian fruit bat) named Loki. I came across his picture because I was fascinated/terrified by bats at the time. I landed on a picture of a giant flying fox and FREAKED! Loki was born with a defect to his jaw. As a result he was unable to nurse. I was immediately drawn to Loki’s case, as my first son was born with the same condition! Luckily for human babies physical therapy can correct the condition, and mothers don’t abandon them. However for Loki, he wasn’t as lucky, in the mom department. After signing up, we recieved pictures of Loki and reports on his progress for the entire year. It was great fun and so inspiring to cheer him on and watch him reach milestones until he was released into the wild. Check out to select a little cutie to sponsor. Seriously, sponsoring is so rewarding and these creatures are so fascinating.  It’s a different approach, but definitely a solid route to nourish mind, body and soul through a socially-distanced holiday. Also what better way to free your mind of 2020, and welcome in a fresh new shiny 2021.

The Key to Shift Energy Is to Give Energy

Get a plant! If virtual adoption is not for you, or you’re just not really an animal person (you need Jesus!…jk), get a plant. Talk to it. Nurture it. Give it a name, and watch it flourish. Seriously getting out of the self and caring for another living thing, feeds the soul. Which is what we all need right now.

Create Something to Step out of Self

Update your space

It is never productive to sit in your discontent…boredom, irritability, restlessness. One way to shed these feelings is to get creative. Rearrange your furniture. Run out to the hardware store and get paint for that accent wall you’ve always wanted. Clear away the weeds in your yard. Get a new colorful area rug and throw pillows to change up the mood in your living room. Go to Trader Joes and buy a bundle of fresh cut flowers for $3.99 to brighten the space. A new twist or addition to your living space carries lots of mileage when trying to boost the psyche.

Lose yourself in the kitchen

They say that cooking equates love, and it’s totally true. Cook a dish you’ve never made before. Bake something. Make a giant pot of soup. Roll your sleeves up and get elbow deep in your project. Use your hands, sense of smell and taste to create something delicious. Allow yourself a free pass this time on calories…just go for it. self care caloriesLast night I made cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies…the cookies were not long for this world…but just between us, I have some more cookie dough stashed in the fridge for round two tonight!

Create something cool

Go to your nearest arts and craft store and get some acrylic tubes of paint and some cheap canvases and paint! You don’t have to be an artist to experiment and create something great! Michael’s Arts and Crafts store always offers discounts. Go to Pinterest and pick a simple DIY project or a cool art project…you will be consumed by the project, and you may be surprised when you find yourself searching for your next project.

Experiment with your photography skills

Play with the light. Use natural sunlight directly on your subject for amazing prints. Or place the light behind your subject for more artsy silhouette-type pieces. Get some inexpensive frames while you’re at the craft store and frame your prints for a one-of-a-kind series. Dang….and don’t forget to sign your prints like the fierce artist that you are.

Hydrate Your Mind Body and Soul

Self care is a must to nourish the mind, body and soul through a socially-distanced holiday.

Therefore, an at-home beauty retreat for yourself and your family/roommate is a great way to find a little beauty bliss and free your mind of 2020. We all have tons of products laying around that just sit there. Rather than letting them sit and collect dust, use them up now. Dedicate a day to nothing but beautifying and nourishing the skin and the body. Set a goal to drink 64 oz of water by the end of day to flush out toxins. Apply a conditioning mask to your hair and face. Make a body scrub. Search the web for natural DIY formulas with ingredients that you already have in your kitchen. This brown sugar coconut oil scrub is one of my faves. Next, move on to detailed at-home mani pedis. Then some Netflix while you dry. Finish the afternoon with a bear nap but don’t forget some thick butter socks and heavy moisturizer on your feet to really set off your pedicure. All of the above…so good for you, your mind, body and your soul. And furthermore, when do we ever have time for this level of self love…never. Take advantage of it.

Make a list and check it twice

Start a journal. Wait! Before you nix this idea, because you are not the “writing type” or feel like you don’t have anything to document. Try making a simple gratitude list. Still not buying in? How about a “Letting Go” list then?
Write down three to five things a day that you want to release:

“Today I am letting go of foul language.”


“I am letting go of SUGAR today because it is the Devil.”

Your letting go list doesn’t have to be forever, just an exercise to examine “things.” For instance, I actually listed “foul language” on my list ONCE. As a result, I was absolutely stifled for the day. I literally had nothing to say! The point is, you can learn a lot about yourself with a letting go list. Try it. Your gratitude list can be simple or huge. To illustrate, one entry for me was as tiny as listing my appreciation for microwave popcorn. Often times it’s the little things that get us through our next 24 hours.

New to Journaling?

There is nothing to it. Use your journal to record thoughts, feelings and to set intentions. Afterall, as a seeker, now is the perfect time to set new intentions. In fact, your new intentions actually serve as tools to free your mind of 2020 and will help hammock you into 2021. One way to structure your intentions is to first record your current reality and desired reality with words. Second, diagram it. Draw a simple stick figure diagram of your reality compared to your desired reality. In essence, draw where you are now, next to a diagram of your desired reality…where you want to end up. To sum it up, the concept here is to “see it,” “believe it,” and “to make it happen.” Finally, list ways of how to get yourself from the first drawing to the desired setting…then make it happen.

Move Your Body and Your Head Space

Get your yoga on!

You have to move the energy in your body around to change your head space. Equally, if you are looking to find the OM and free your mind, yoga is the “go to” here. Simple poses that open the heart chakra and crown chakra are going to make the most difference. However, it’s important to know where you need balancing first. How are you feeling? Antsy, restless, unable to focus? Then you need more grounding. So attention should be given to your root chakra with poses like child’s pose, frog pose and or easy pose.
Child’s pose, for grounding. This pose is a great hip opener too…we hold a lot of energy in our hips.
On the contrary, are you feeling grounded but out of sorts with your ability to communicate with others right now…over-socially distanced? With this in mind, you need to balance the Vishuddha…the throat chakra. As a reference, refer to this chakra-balancing chart to help you find key poses to stimulate/balance the chakra as you distribute your energy through your body.

Get Still

Meditation, breathwork and simply listening to music…are other ways to move the energy in your body and find the OM. The key to meditation is to start slow. Breathwork is amazing and takes practice, but is a real gamechanger. To start your breathwork practice look for a guided meditation/breathwork app. iBreathe is amazing and inexpensive for breathwork. Together with Insight Timer my favorite meditation app…which is free, you will be well on your way to finding the OM. Alternative forms of meditation. For me listening to music is always a way for me to “take flight” and exercise my wings. To emphasize this experience, don’t just listen but “hear” the music. Listen loud…be still and test your imaginary wings out on this exercise. Lest, you’ll miss the entire point. My favorite is listening to Led  Zeppelin’s The Battle of Evermore…LOUD. I allow myself to get lost in the music. It’s amazing and I feel recharged when I land. Try it!  It is literally a mainline to nourish mind body and soul through a socially-distanced holiday, and a definite shortcut to free your mind of 2020. Take some time to make your own playlists on Spotify…apply themes to your playlists, or check out the Go OM Yourself playlists.

Wrap it up

Let it go. Say goodbye to 2020 and let’s move on. Additionally, give yourself a pat on the back. As the past two generations have never had to cope with these types of circumstances. You have done an amazing job navigating thus far…

Overall, we are all in this together, which seems like a contradiction when we are having to socially distance ourselves. In spite of what we cannot control, we are able to make conscious decisions and take action toward a positive state of mind, body and soul. As mentioned above, it is what it is…so let’s make the best of it.

Go OM Yourself For the Edgy Yogi…The Inspiration Behind the Brand

Rock-and-roll yogi soul on a mission; Go OM Yourself for the edgy yogi. Finally a brand that feeds your spirit and your hangry heart. It’s today’s answer to Zen wear for anyone who likes a little street cred’ with their love and light. A place where zen and street style go to totally make out. Go OM Yourself for the edgy yogi picks right up where the yoga t-shirt/tank top market fails.

After nine years of practicing yoga, I go “thug” and get my 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification. It was an awesome journey, and still is, as in yoga the discoveries are daily (for me). Through my training, I study the Eight Limbs of Yoga and the seven chakras. I learn how to structure a class, and to apply themes to a series of asanas to construct a fluid and meaningful vinyasa.

One day, as I prepare a sequence that focuses around the throat chakra, my yoga practice forever changes.

On a whim, I decide to seek out different mudras that stimulate the chosen chakra center, and give the flow a little flavor. At the time, I have no idea that the mudras themselves are a vast and powerful discipline under the yogic umbrella of philosophies. I’m instantly FASCINATED by their beauty and metaphysical capabilities. So, I dive in.

I start to play around with my favorite mudras. Then suddenly, I am a total mudra gangster. As days go by, my mudra affiliation finds it way more and more into my yoga practice. Similarly, mudras fly freely around the house. Moreover, my ever-so-mindful mudra intentions are graciously sent out OG style from behind the wheel. I am absolutely hooked. Before long, the medicinal uses of the mudras by the Hindus, and the meditative approaches of the Buddhists inspire me. Insidently, I know I need to share my new-found mudra practice in a bigger way…but wasn’t sure how.

Thug-like Style Parameters Prove to be Impossible

Aside from yoga, my passion for style and shopping runs deep. I keep a casual yet edgy look. Anything rock and roll, or against the grain blows my skirt up. Therefore, when I decide to identify as a yogi, remaining true to my thug-like style parameters proves to be impossible. The struggle is real. In short, the yoga-inspired t-shirt market had failed me. However much I love and honor the incantation of the OM , my look requires a little more edge. In similar fashion, dream catchers and breezy inspirations are great. But, they lack the grit that identifies me. As my keyboard clicks away search after search, I close in on an answer. What the market needs is a brand that encompasses both “soul” and “street.” Ideally, one caters to the rock and roll that pumps through my veins.

Go OM Yourself is Born

  I search into the night for just one shirt that brands ME TOO as a seeker…a yogi. I wanted to identify. Perhaps because, now as a certified teacher, I have something to offer. I was compelled to share “the yoga” in every way, as is true for any real practitioner of wellness. However, all my effort presents no avail. After months of seeking, I sit at my desk, in the wee hours, and attempt yet another Google search. But once again, it’s a time suck. All my browser returns are different variations of the same OM-symbolled shirt. I was over it. With a huge exhale and much frustration I slam my laptop shut and mutter, “Go Om Yourself!” The rest is history…and Go OM Yourself for the edgy yogi soul is born.

Check us out now!

Since then Go OM Yourself continues to grow and evolve. As a result, two years later, the line now includes a few collections that sing to the rock-and-roll yogi soul. As the brand mission is to promote joy, bold individuality and a spiritual lifestyle that colors the human experience with such a vengeance, that it takes your breath away on a daily basis.

 Check out the store …feed those unruly sprites that live in the space just behind your heart. They crave a little edge with their love and light.

Yogis Giving Back-Wild Horse Rescue Wrap up

Our Ahimsa Experiment is a wrap. We raised $435 for the Chilly Pepper Miracle Mustang Foundation. According to Lauri Armstrong the rescue’s founder, our efforts couldn’t have come at a better time. As when I spoke to her she was off to pick up nine more orphaned foals, and an abandoned clydesdale.

The phrase “yogis giving back” seems full circle…and it is. As yogis, healers and seekers our highest goal is about giving, kindness, non-cruelty, awareness and peace for all living things. Those of you who participated did just that. Namaste Ohmies..

Thank you so much to all of you who donated! A super-special thanks to actor, Jana Hamblin and Yoga Nidra Meditation Guru, Lane Kennedy Levy. These two stepped up and did not even wince when I asked them to co-host A TWO-WEEK INSTA CHALLENGE for this cause.

Giveaway winners will be announced within the the next week. As not all of the donations from our sponsors have arrived yet. If you’re a winner you will be notified via Insta DM.

As far as results for the first ever Go OM Yourself Ahima Experiment… they were good. But not near our goal. Next year we will be better equipped to make a realistic goal without underestimating the support of our amazing subscribers and Insta communities. Way to go tribe! We totally saved some horses!

Read that last line again, slowly.

The Ahimsa Experiment Yogi Challenge

Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.

– Annie Lennox

The Ahimsa Experiment Yogi Challenge calls upon us as yogis, seekers, makers and doers to put our good intentions to work. This challenge allows us a HUGE opportunity to generate some tangible goodwill, love, and compassion. But there’s a twist, to actually make the “magic happen…”

September marks the Go OM Yourself one year anniversary! To celebrate in a way that truly corresponds with the overall intention of the Go OM Yourself brand, we’ve come up with the Ahimsa Experiment Yogi Challenge. It’s an Instagram challenge with a twist!

The challenge part of the #AhimsaExperiment is the same as any other yoga challenge…yes all the fun is still there.

Each day challenge hosts focus on a new intention and invite you to you post your representation of that intention. You connect with new like-minded instagrammers, build your following, share experiences and tell us about the gorgeous images you post. There will be giveaways for active participants, as well. The twist is “the experiment” part. This challenge has a beneficiary…a cause. For example, a women’s shelter, animals in need, clean water well for a village…we can do so much!

The Ahimsa Experiment benefits a chosen charity, with a $1-$2 entry for each challenge participant. Entry fee? Sounds weird, yes,…but, hear us out. The quick and easy-entry link funnels directly to our challenge beneficiary. So just think…if we get 500 participants at 1$ a piece, we are really generating some “goodwill and change” for souls who need it! Dang, and imagine if we have some $2 entries!

“There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”

– Dalai Lama

Let’s make some measurable magic this year

Over the past twelve months we’ve been rocking and rolling to the beat of our bad-ass insta/yogi community. It’s been fun, and damn, you guys are freaking awesome. We’ve chatted and shared pics of our beloved pets and our kids. There have been yoga challenges, sound baths, mudras and meditations in tipis! A lot of you even own one or two of our tank tops/tees and hoodies. How about we commemorate the start of our second year and put our good yogi/seeker vibes to work!

Let’s take action, to create some magic. The cool part is that, we get to SEE IT ALL HAPPENING with the #AhimsaExperiment. It’s a chance to do some bona fide goodwill, and see where our work is making a difference.

When you’re in a position to have gotten so much, the gift at this point is giving back.

– Paul Stanley

I have to say, it’s been an amazing, busy inspiring year. I love you guys and the journey we’re on together. It feels right. I think we can totally kill it with the #AhimsaExperiment and really generate giving and goodwill.

So there it is…The Go OM Yourself birthday wish, the #AhimsaExperiment (giving and generating goodwill). Are you in?

“Our inherent mission as a community of seekers is to promote joy, bold individuality and a spiritual lifestyle to color the human experience with such a vengeance, that it takes your breath away on a daily basis. 

– Go OM Yourself Mission Statement

Meet our first #AhimsaExperiment Cause

Chilly Pepper – Miracle Mustang, Equine Rescue / WIN (Wild Horses In Need) Rescue & Rehab Project

CHILLY PEPPER – MIRACLE MUSTANG specializes in CRITICALLY ILL, NEO-NATAL, SICK AND/OR INJURED FOALS.  Especially the ones that are near death’s door, needing literally 24/7 care. The foals live with founder Palomino, aka Lauri Armstrong, and her husband in their nursery until the babies are strong enough to live outside. The babies’ rehabilitation continues on the ranch where they will learn “ranch life” and manners from the other horses on the property. In a perfect world all the rescues, grow and thrive and are adopted to good forever homes. Oh how we wish it was a perfect world.

Follow @palominoarmstrong now to see her everyday battle to save the world four hoofs at time.

“The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop

Call for Sponsors for the #AhimsaExperiment

At the moment I have two sponsors in place, but would love to have at least five more. Everyone loves giveaways! More sponsors, means more giveaways, which means more incentive for like-minded folks to participate in the challenge. If you’re a maker or have a great product and are interested in giving and generating goodwill as an #AhimsaExperiment sponsor please contact me!

Contact: Instagram: @go-om_yourself

email: [email protected]

Ahimsa is one of the world’s great principles, which no power on earth can wipe out.

– Mahatma Gandhi

She loves horses, and horses too…” funny!

“She loves horrrrses…”

My new yoga brand lands an interview

I met “The Traveling Yogini” ( Stephanie Spence) at the Yoga Expo and was thrilled when she asked to interview me and feature my baby yoga brand…Go OM Yourself.

Go OM Yourself - Yoga Tanks

Chaos blankets me morning of the 2019 Yoga Expo World Los Angeles. Also, it’s the first time I set up my yoga brand outside the security of my garage. I arrive early to the venue, but a major snafu sets the tone of my morning. In brief, my entire store sits, locked in my U-HAUL at the loading dock (long story). Therefore, I lose two hours of make-ready time. So, when the convention floor opens to the public, my store sits in disarray. My daydreams of a beautiful pop-up store to meet conventioning yogis fades. Instead, the thought of giving up and going home floods every ounce of my existence.

A successful debut for my yoga brand slips away, I am understaffed and way behind…

Hundreds of yogis, from all over the world, pour through the convention doors, and my heart sinks. I want to crawl under my lump of yoga t-shirts in my 10’X10′ space and disappear. My mind flies into self-sabotage-berating mode. “…this is a bad idea, no one likes your work, take the line and go home!”

Transformation of attitude

I use my yogi tools to stay calm. “Horses breath,” and a simple silent mantra, “…this is meant to be.” help me pull it together. Then, I approach one task after another until my inventory hangs neatly on my racks. Slowly, my pop-up space turns from a disaster to freaking awesome. So now, I can breathe…inhale, exhaaaale. Soon my frantic energy no longer scares potential customers away. Suddenly, Go OM Yourself generates some traffic. Beautiful yogis saunter in and out of my post. Then, in walks Stephanie. She checks out “the stuff,” and we talk. Before she leaves, she asks if I’m interested in doing an interview!

Encouragement and mindset as fuel

All of my doubts and fears fall away. With my yogi tools and positive feedback from Stephanie, I find the courage and stand hands-on-hips behind my brand. I dedicate the rest of the day to the idea of success. This shift in intention, and encouragement from Stephanie transforms my attitude. Thanks Stephanie!


Just a bit about Stephanie Spence…

Stephanie is the former CEO of Spence Communications, and has been featured on TV and editorially in books and magazines around the world. From literary journals to online global communities, she commits to igniting others’ desire to create a life of health and joy, through a sustainable practice of yoga for a lifetime of transformation. 

Her latest book, Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat, 2018 Nautilus Book Awards Winner, is available wherever fine books are sold. Currently Stephanie continues her travels around the world as she works on her next book.

Go OM Yourself Pop Up Store

Go OM Yourself Pop Up Store HOW TO -YOUR BRAND STORY

Your Brand Story is Everything

Welcome to the GO OM YOURSELF POP UP STORE HOW TO – Your brand story is everything. Know this elemental key fact, and your store builds itself. Keep your brand image and purpose front and center of each item you select. Be sure all aspects of your pop up store design, speak to your brand mission. Everything from theme to product merchandising must connect. So that your pop up will not only be successful, but will turn heads, spark conversations and most importantly, generate sales.

Create A Unified Ambient Theme

For Go OM Yourself, it is important to blend our snappy irreverent tone with our high-vibe zen intentions. Something soft and inviting (like our shirts) is a must, but to stay true to who we are as a brand, the space also needs to have an edge to it. So I curate items that speak to both. I keep the colors soft and muted (like our shirts) and add fuzzy pillows and the gentle glow of faux candles. Buddha centerpiece is a given, as are mudras statues I found at World Market for cheap!

Pull Elements of Your Brand as Store Dressings

Since we are an eco-conscious company, I focus on natural wood bins and benches. Some plants and an asian wooden screen also send the eco vibe home. A rustic looking natural-fiber Indian area rug softens and adds to the coziness of the space.

Get Creative and Crafty

Street style and culture are huge inspirations for me, so framed photographs of our shirts featured in front of urban cityscapes add a nice touch. The grittiness of metal trash cans decorated with pop culture/graffiti stickers act as storage for our hoodies. Skulls are always an edgy ” go to” and drive the rock-and-roll yogi message further.

Stimulate Their Senses

Finally, for the senses, I burn some nag champa, and stream some Pink Floyd into the space.

Giveaways and Special Promotions

The final touch…temporary tattoos as promotional giveaways. A great calling card, that punches back to the rock and roll yogi market. Some other simple ideas for giveaways are business cards, quick beaded prayer bracelets, candy, branded-online coupons or instant discounts for each immediate Instagram follow.

Be sure and include a well-place Instagram Nameplate in your store for passersby, and to implement in-store promos. Discounts for follows!

The finished product was better than I had pictured in my head…the Go OM Yourself pop up store can literally be the place where the street meets the mat…for the rock-and-roll yogi soul.

Increase Sales and Brand Interest With Meaningful Merchandising

Go OM Yourself Pop Up Store
Our best sellers displayed with a mudra on simple wood crates, creates an effective display as well as a nifty structure that complements our eco sensibilities as a brand.

Consistent Color Theme Unifies Store and Creates Brand Recognition

Go OM Yourself Pop Up Store
I found these rustic industrial garment racks on Etsy, they are sturdy and have wooden bases that fit right in with the eco part of the theme. If you are doing clothing, invest in quality racks. Sturdy and strong! Nothing worse than unstable wonky racks, when you are trying to shop. Even worse is being the embarrassed store owner who not only has to pick up a fallen rack, but also loses the customer who usually, in cases like this, cannot exit the shop quick enough.
Go OM Yourself Pop Up Store
Asian wooden screen, turns a tent into a store. Everytime I take my pop up out I get offers on the screen! This one is was well-priced from Hayneedle.
Go OM Yourself Pop Up Store

Don’t Be Afraid to Invest in Giveaways…Be Sure Yours is Unique.

Go OM Yourself Promotional Giveaways-Tattoos
You can order custom temporary tattoos online…they are inexpensive and fun!

2019 Yoga Expo Exhibitor Experience

Yoga Expo 2019 LA - Go OM Yourself Pop Up Exhibit

The debut of my Go OM Yourself pop up store is also my first Yoga Expo exhibitor experience. I am nervous and excited to finally unveil my brand IRL…into the world, outside of the safe confines of my office and computer screen.

Be prepared to be prepared

I am up before the sun on my way to to the Expo with two hours of sleep. My goal is to get there by 6am, set up my pop-up store and roll in the money. Because this is my first ever pop up event, I have a brand new untested structure. Also, I still need to package some of the merchandise. Although I am going on two hours of sleep, I know I’m pressed for time. But, I figure four hours will be enough time to get everything done. All I know, is the doors open at 10am, and I need my Go OM Yourself pop up to shine.

What not to do

I arrive to the venue, back into the loading dock and run into the Expo to check in, get my credentials and borrow a dolly. Then I race back to the van in the loading dock and pull on the back door handle to begin unloading. It’s locked. Next, I walk around to the driver’s side pull the door handle, it’s locked. On cue, my stomach rises into my throat, as I peer in the window and see the keys on the driver’s seat.

After a three-hour setback, and hiring a locksmith, I am weirdly calm, as I unload and start set up. There is only one hour for me to set up. Before I know it, it’s 10am. I begin to perspire and am the “opposite of calm” when the doors open. Then people start to wander into the venue. When my corner booth, right up front by the entry, is the first thing they see. It’s a complete disaster.

To really make it special, the Expo producer finds his way to my space and lectures me on set up protocol. “This needs to be cleared away, set up started at 6am…this is not..” I block out his voice. I want to cry. But there are no crybabies in business. So I push on, with my messy clump of a pop up. At this point I am ready to quit my yoga expo vendor experience…as it is turning out to be a nightmare.

When all else fails refer to yoga tools

I dig deep into my psyche and remember my yogi tools. I start with deep long inhales and slow exhales. Then I repeat my “go to” mantra “I can do this” and set my intention to simply just get the booth together. I manage to help a few customers while I assemble my space. By 11:30 my booth looked amazing! Better than I could have imagined!

Go OM Yourself shines. People love the look and feel of my store and adore the merchandise. I am exhausted, but adrenaline has me running on high. Oh Man, as the day progresses I am have a blast, make new friends, share my work and make a some sales.

The vibe on the Expo floor

The yogis at the Expo are amazing. Which makes the energy on the floor supportive and just overall bright. As the day progresses, I meet lots of really interesting people. As the new girl on the scene, I feel welcomed when some business savvy women share the “what” and “how” with me…thank you ladies.

There are lots of creatives: photographers, yoga teachers, writers, artisans and clothing designers. The thing that all of them have in common is their energy. There is a sense of “mutual support” that permeates the space. There is no competitiveness or judgey noses. It is quite a beautiful vibe…a total safe space.

The crowd’s willingness to spend…

We experience a lot of traffic in the store, and give away a bunch of promotional Go OM Yourself temporary tattoos. Sales are okay, but the overall feel of the crowd is that they don’t have money to spend. And if I’m being absolutely honest, I didn’t come close to breaking even. The 10×10 booth was about $1100, and I sold about $600. After accounting for the costs of renting a van, and the cost of my tent, racks, rug, photos, tattoos…I am beyond deficit for this venture. Not to mention the freaking expense of the locksmith.


I expected a much better turn out. Vendors were told there would be 10,000 attendees. Actually, there were only about 2000 maximum. Perhaps the Miami Yoga Expo has a bigger turnout. Because I am very proud to announce that, Go OM Yourself was INVITED to set up space in Miami for their show in March. I am honored Miami, and I sincerely hope I can make it happen. More on that front later.

Is Yoga Expo 2020 on the agenda?

Would I come back to Yoga Expo LA?…I’m not sure. Am I considering Miami Yoga Expo…more to revealed after I do some major research. For now I need to focus on markets that cap out at $150 for the day for the booth space. There are many factors that need to be examined to determine where the problem was with this event. For example: Are my prices too high? Lack of attendees?

Was it a bad idea to pay out $1100 for my first time out…most definitely.

The takeaway…

The good news is I made some excellent contacts. Also, landed an interview with a Yoga influencer. Another thing is that I know the best way to put my booth together. And, that I absolutely love my setup. The experience allowed me to test how my brand is received by other yogis, and I learned I definitely like being “in the mix” selling my shirts. Talking to people and connecting with like-minded business women and yogis was the real takeaway here.

Yoga Tank Top Store Launches! Time For a Holistic Closet Cleanse

New Intentions, New Yoga Tanks On A Mission

Go OM Yourself Yoga Tank Top Store is live! And you are going to love the snappy rock-and-roll yogi vibe of these ultra- soft quality tank tops. An entire online store of soothing zen intentions for your rock-and-roll yogi soul. I bring an open heart and new intentions to this yoga tank top venture. To commemorate I offer the idea of a holistic closet cleanse. As I truly love the new line, and know you will too. It’s time to clear out the old to make space for your new yoga tanks.

Gyan Mudra Yoga Tank Top-calming
Our Gyan Mudra Festival Flow Yoga Tank…for rock-and-roll yoga thugs.

The mission behind the line is to promote joy, bold individuality and a spiritual lifestyle to color your human experience with such a vengeance, that it takes your breath away on a daily basis.

Holistic Closet Cleanse – What You Need To Do

As a yogi thug, it is imperative that you refer to the most holistic method to clear space and let go. First inspect your closet, drawers, gym bag and yoga sacks for items that no longer bring you joy. Dump the old yoga tanks and tees that have sweat stains as well as those that may reek a bit. You know…the ones that “sound off” the second your body temp goes up? Yes.  Gather those items and dispose of them, in one quick swoop. Just do it! Next, move on to shoes, pants and denim and ask yourself. “Does this item bring me joy?”

Be Honest With Yourself

Be one hundred percent honest with yourself. Letting go is hard, and honesty is key. When you wear the tank, jeans, or sweats in question, do you feel joy? If the answer is no, put them in a bag and transport to the nearest donation site. Watch as your space lightens and your psyche clears. It works…I promise.

Cleanse Energy and Calm With Essential Oils

Next sweep or vacuum the closet, wipe down the inside of your drawers. Don’t forget to throw your gym bag and yoga sack into the washing machine. If you have a Jade Yoga mat (my fave) you can just throw it in the washer as well.  It’s always good measure give your yoga mat love. So whichever mat you own, give it a good cleaning, then wipe down with some some Malibu OM Grown’s Tramps & Thieves Antimicrobial Spray or diluted tea tree oil. Your next practice will be an oh-so-fresh start, so set some new intentions.

Malibu OM Grown Antimicrobial Holistic Cleanse
Malibu OM Grown Antimicrobial Spray – 100% All-Natural – Use to freshen face masks, as a counter spray, to cleanse minor cuts and abrasions, or even to freshen throws and bedding.

Release, Research and Replace

PS…every now and then, it’s a must to completely surrender your old yoga mat and replace it. Treat yourself to an eco-conscious mat, that speaks to your personal practice and specific needs. A comprehensive guide to the best performance yoga mats will help you make the perfect choice.

OMG Relax

Now if you’re slightly freaked out, don’t be. Do not think twice about the items you have “let go,” Rather, use essential oils to calm yourself, and clear the energy. Make some quick sachets for your closet and drawers. Repurpose socks from “the lonely socks club band” that would have otherwise been thrown away. Fill with a quarter cup of dry uncooked white rice that is doused with your favorite scent (four or five drops, and let oil dry). Cut away the majority of the length of the sock. Then use a rubber band to seal your sachet. Finally, finish with some twine or ribbon to add some charm. Or just use a few drops of oil on some card stock and stash accordingly. Congratulations your holistic closet cleanse is complete. How do you feel?

Check Out The Store Site

Now that your space is clear, and the musty energy is cleared from your closet/drawer space, you are ready to kick back and check out the Go OM Yourself Store Site. Take in the vibe see what the line is all about for yourself.


If you’re not registered on the store site be sure and subscribe to receive monthly deals and discounts. When you subscribe you will be emailed a 15% off coupon code for your first tank top purchase.

Be Kind To Yourself…Treat Yourself

Pick your favorite yoga tank or tanks, and be sure to check out our hoodie collection too. Winter is coming! Also browse our Aromatherapy Candle Collection. They are so delicious.

Spread The Love

Share a comment on the site. Let us know what you think. Share our site with your friends and fellow yogis. Finally, keep in touch! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and all other social media. We love our tribe, and have a lot of fun on the socials. Join us…it feels so good to be connected with like-minded souls.

Thank you for all your support.

Stay super fine and always dance in the silvery light,

Xs and OMs


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Mudra Mantra Tank - Go OM Yourself

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit mantra used in meditation and yoga for centuries.

It’s translation:

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

Here’s a mini Sanskrit lesson for grins to further study this beautiful incantation:

lokah: location, realm, all universes existing now
samastah: all beings sharing that same location
sukhino: centered in happiness and joy, free from suffering
bhav: the divine mood or state of unified existence
antu: may it be so, it must be so (antu used as an ending here transforms this mantra into a powerful pledge

Try chanting this during your daily practices and see how you feel. OOOOO…and maybe you’ll even be able to witness how your mantra mack down affects those around you.  So cool…

Love and kindness are free, so sprinkle that sh*t everywhere…

Xs and OMs

Stay super fine and always dance in the silvery light…
